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What is a Coffee Recipe?

Isn’t it just water + coffee grounds = coffee?

If you think a coffee recipe is as simple as combining water and coffee grounds, you're not alone!

But just like with food recipes, the magic is often in the details—ratios, timing, and techniques that bring out unique flavours and textures.

At, we’re all about making that “just right” cup of coffee, no matter if you're a beginner or a seasoned sipper.

So let’s dig into what it takes to go from “just coffee” to just perfect coffee with a few simple recipes you can try at home!

So, what’s a coffee recipe?

It’s a way to turn those humble beans into something truly special.

Whether you’re feeling fancy with a French press or just need a cool drink on a hot day, these recipes make great coffee accessible to anyone.

With a little bit of practice, you’ll be brewing coffee that’s way beyond just coffee.

And don’t worry—at, we’ve got the beans covered.

So grab your favourite coffee-making tool, try a new recipe, and take your taste buds on a ride!